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How can you negotiate the interest rate on your mortgage?

Securing a favorable interest rate on your mortgage can save you thousands of kroner in interest expenses over time. Negotiating the interest rate is an important part of the mortgage process, and there are several factors that can affect your negotiating position. Here are some important factors to consider in order to get the best possible interest rate deal!

Be an attractive borrower:

When the bank assesses you as a borrower, they look at your financial situation and creditworthiness. The better your credit score, the better chance you have of negotiating a lower interest rate. Keep your finances in order, pay your bills on time, reduce any debts and stay away from payment reminders.

Check the market:

Before you enter into negotiations with your current bank, you should investigate what other banks are offering. Compare interest rates and conditions with different lenders. This knowledge gives you a starting point for negotiating with your current bank. Keep abreast of interest rate trends and economic news that may affect mortgage rates. If you see that interest rates are generally falling, it may be a good time to contact your bank to negotiate a better rate.

Use a loan broker:

Hiring a mortgage broker can be a smart move when negotiating the interest rate. A mortgage broker has knowledge of the market and can negotiate on your behalf. They often have a network of banks they work with and can help you find the best deals. A mortgage broker can also assist with refinancing and ensure that you get the most out of the negotiation.

Be ready to argue:

When entering the negotiation process, it’s important to be well prepared and have good arguments for why you deserve a lower interest rate. This can include pointing out your good payment history, your financial stability and any competing offers you’ve received. Present your case in a clear and convincing way and be open to negotiate.

Consider refinancing:

If your bank isn’t willing to give you a better interest rate, it may be worth considering refinancing. By moving your mortgage to another bank that offers a lower interest rate, you can achieve significant savings over time. Read more about refinancing here.

When are you best placed to negotiate interest rates?

When you have a stable financial situation:
If you have a stable income and low debt obligations, the bank will see you as a less risky borrower. This can give you a better negotiating position when it comes to the interest rate on your mortgage.

When you have a high equity ratio:
The more equity you have in your home, the less risk the bank takes in lending you money. A high equity ratio can give you bargaining power and make it easier to negotiate a lower interest rate.

When the interest rate market is favorable:
If interest rates are generally low, banks will be more competitive in attracting new loan customers. This can give you an advantage in negotiation, especially if you’ve done your research and know what other banks are offering.

When you are an existing customer of the bank
: If you already have an established relationship with the bank and have been a loyal customer over time, you may have a better chance of negotiating a lower interest rate. The bank wants to keep you as a customer, and this may motivate them to offer you better terms.

When you have competing offers:
If you’ve received offers from other banks or lenders with better interest rate terms, you can use these as negotiating tools. Show interest in other offers and see if your bank is willing to match or improve them.

In summary

It’s important to note that the best time to negotiate your interest rate can vary depending on individual factors and the market situation. You may want to keep an eye on interest rate trends, seek advice from mortgage brokers, and be prepared to negotiate when you feel in a strong financial position.

Would you like help negotiating the interest rate or comparing loan offers?

Let us help you! Get in touch for a non-binding conversation here.

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